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Provider Toolkits

Provider Resources:

Carolina Complete Health provides free language assistance to all members in person and telephonically/virtually:

  • Telephonically/virtually
    • Language Line: Toll Free 1-866-998-0338
    • Account Number 13982
    • Medicaid PIN #6329
  • In-person via Language Services Associates (LSA)
    • Contact vendor by phone: 866-827-7028 
    • Enter Account Number #47716855
    • Speak with representative on the details of language needed for appointment or home visit.

Health care providers are often unaware when one of their patients has received care outside of their facility or EHR network. What’s more, there is a growing need for health care providers to be notified of certain events in a timely manner to support successful transitions of care and improve care management. NC*Notify is a subscription-based service that notifies providers as their patients receive services across the care continuum. Based on admission, discharge, and transfer data received from more than 100 participating hospitals plus encounter data from more than 6,000 ambulatory care settings, the NC*Notify real-time event notifications provide care teams with valuable information that spans geography and care settings and support state and federal efforts to focus on patient centered care. To enroll, providers need to become a participant of NC HealthConnex. There is no fee for utilizing the event notification service. This is a value-added feature offered to full participants to help improve care coordination.

For current training offerings, visit the Education and Training page.

Behavioral Health Toolkits for Primary Care Providers

Anxiety Disorders Toolkit

Integrated Health Care Toolkit

Substance Use Disorders Toolkit

Suicide Risk Toolkit

Trauma Toolkit

Known Issues Tracker

The Known Issues Tracker (KIT) provides timely information related to known issues impacting providers. This will be updated weekly on Thursdays. 

Page Last Updated: 05/21/2024